Samstag, 25. August 2007

No. 21 - arriving mail art "Quieres verme en acciòn?" from Miguel Jimenez - El Taller de Zenon (Spain)

No. 21 - arriving mail art "Quieres verme en acciòn?" (do you want to see me in action?) from Miguel Jimenez - El Taller de Zenon (Spain) - collage and painting; of course I would like to see Andreas Hofer with this body in action - go on. Thank you very much.

Freitag, 24. August 2007

No. 20 - arriving mail art "A. Hofer" from Reiner Langer (Germany)

No. 20 - arriving mail art "A. Hofer" from Reiner Langer (Germany) - collage and drawing of a definitely dead Hero; thank you very much.

No. 19 - arriving mail art "Heldentaschentuch A H" from Angela Behrendt (Germany)

No. 19 - arriving mail art "Heldentaschentuch A H" from Angela Behrendt (Germany) - a stitched handkerchief from the "hero" with his Initials. Well it is not a postcard, but a really nice idea. For my planed exhibition I can only use real postage stamped items (maybe I will bring the hanky to the postoffice to get one?); nevertheless thank you - our mailarts were crossing each other, but the jesus fluxus booklet, she wants to have, is already in progress.

Donnerstag, 16. August 2007

No. 18 - arriving mail art "Andreas Hofer - gebeizt" from Angela Behrendt (Germany)

No. 18 - arriving mail art "Andreas Hofer - gebeizt" from Angela Behrendt (Germany) - hundreds of little circles around Andreas Hofer. Thank you very much.

Montag, 13. August 2007

No. 17 - arriving mail art "Andreas - oben am jungen Rhein..." from Kat van Trollebol (Netherlands)

No. 17 - arriving mail art "Andreas - oben am jungen Rhein..." from Kat van Trollebol (Netherlands) - even if Kat says she has not a single idea or the smallest spark of inspiration concerning the matter Andreas Hofer, I like this work very much - the castle on this Picture looks similar to Castle Tyrol, the symbol of the whole land of the Andreas Hofer; so I put this envelope of course here in this blog. thank you very much

Kat has a mail art call about the matter "burlesque"

No. 16 - arriving mail art "Holy Hofer" from Marco Ambrosi (Italy)

No. 16 - arriving mail art "Holy Hofer" from Marco Ambrosi (Italy) - a funny transformation of a Pietà into a Holy Hofer with his eagle - here on a T-shirt - even on the backside the little icon (I would say it is worth of a postcard edition - sure you will sell these postcards in 2009 very well) - thank you very much
see the graphic artists's homepage:

Freitag, 10. August 2007

No. 15 - arriving mail art "Andreas Hofer - who" from Ruth Davis (USA)

No. 15 - arriving mail art "Andreas Hofer - who" from Ruth Davis (USA) - Ruth curates a mail art call from Gallery 11 x 14 - see the page:

Freitag, 3. August 2007

No. 14 - arriving mail art "Last Letter Home" from Lavona Sherarts (USA)

No. 14 - arriving mail art "Last Letter Home" from Lavona Sherarts (USA) - Lavona has sent a photo, and a bookmark with the picture of Andreas Hofers last letter to his beloved brother and a sticker statement "In mailart there is no judge-no jury Lavona"; thank you for your submission.