Donnerstag, 31. Januar 2008

No. 122 - arriving mail art from Erich Sündermann (Austria)

No. 122 -arriving mail art from Erich Sündermann (Austria) -Erich has sent a coproduction postcard made by Treena and him - the card I sent to Treena once with collages of the killing of Andreas Hofer for a modify & return, but Treena has missunderstood it probably and collaged just a comic doll into the center and passed it on. Erich has drawn now a scenery around. Thank you very much.

Montag, 28. Januar 2008

No. 121 - arriving mail art "Nieder mit Andreas Hofer !" from Angela Behrendt (Germany)

No. 121 - arriving mail art "Nieder mit Andreas Hofer !" from Angela Behrendt (Germany) - an illustration of a disabled enemy of Andreas Hofer. Thank you very much

Samstag, 26. Januar 2008

No. 120 - arriving mail art "vertraulich - Andreas Hofer privat" from Angela Behrendt (Germany)

No. 120 - arriving mail art "vertraulich - Andreas Hofer privat" from Angela Behrendt (Germany) - an illustration how Andreas could have been working at home, not really an Hero ? Thank you very much.

Donnerstag, 24. Januar 2008

No. 119 - arriving mail art "brain cell No. 698 with Fluxus Andreas Hofer" from Ryosuke Cohen (Japan)

No. 119 - arriving mail art "brain cell No. 698 with Fluxus Andreas Hofer" from Ryosuke Cohen (Japan) - a surprise from Japan, one of Ryosuke's typical brain cell including a variation of the Fluxus Andreas Hofer, Litsa Spathi did for my call. As well two of my little big Marietta Chicken are on the sheet - under the leg of Andreas Hofer. What a fun. Thank you very much.

Mittwoch, 23. Januar 2008

No. 118 . arriving mail art "Andreas Hofer ?? tHERrOrist ?? from Balu d'Art (Germany)

No. 118 . arriving mail art "Andreas Hofer ?? t H E R r O r i s t ?? from Balu d'Art (Germany) - a collaged and painted card with an postage stamp (an illustration of the movie film Andreas Hofer)
thank you very much
see the Balu's blog:

Montag, 21. Januar 2008

No. 117 - arriving mail art "Andreas Hofer's Ghost" from E (France)

No. 117 - arriving mail art "Andreas Hofer's Ghost" from E (France) - another wonderfull illustration about the ghost of Andreas Hofer. Inside a sheet with printed stamps. Thank you very much.
see his different blogs:

No. 116 - arriving mail art "Andreas Hofers Kopf nach Litsa Spathi" from Angela Behrendt (Germany)

No. 116 - arriving mail art "Andreas Hofers Kopf nach Litsa Spathi" from Angela Behrendt (Germany) - Angela has sent a stitching on textile, after Litsa Spathi's Fluxus Andreas Hofer. Thank you very much for this surprise.

Samstag, 19. Januar 2008

No. 115 - arriving mail art "Hero Death Fluxus" from Litsa Spathi (Netherlands)

No. 115 - arriving mail art "Hero Death Fluxus" from Litsa Spathi (Netherlands) - together with some other lovely art (see my other blog) this three version of a Hero Fluxus arrived today, as well one part of the artistsheet here (the others can be seen on my other blog as well). Thank you very much.
see f.e. one of her blog:

No. 114 - arriving mail art "Tyrol en lutte avec Andreas Hofer" from Les Arts à Tantimont (France)

No. 114 - arriving mail art "Tyrol en lutte avec Andreas Hofer" from Les Arts à Tantimont (France) - a collaged and painted envelope. Inside with an mail art call. Theme free. Thank you.

Freitag, 18. Januar 2008

No. 113 - arriving mail art "Reklame Andreas Hofer" from Ruud Janssen (Netherlands)

No. 113 - arriving mail art "Reklame Andreas Hofer" from Ruud Janssen (Netherlands)- an envelope with the image of Andreas Hofer came today - inside a travelling letter between Jim Hayes (USA) and Ruud Janssen, which has travelled several times, and no came to me the first time. Ruud wrote to me: "Hi Roland, this is a letter that has travelled a lot already, maybe send it to Jim Hayes. Ruud" (o.k. I will do!)
see f.e.

Mittwoch, 16. Januar 2008

No. 112 - arriving mail art "Andreas Hofer cobattant le Dragon Napoléon" from E (France)

No. 112 - arriving mail art "Andreas Hofer cobattant le Dragon Napoléon" from E (France) - a wonderfull illustration about Andreas Hofer' battle against Napléon. Inside a sheet with printed stamps (with an illustration he has sent me earlier). Thank you very much.
see his different blogs:

No. 111 - arriving mail art "selfportrait" from Umberto Basso (Italy)

No. 111 - arriving mail art "selfportrait" from Umberto Basso (Italy) - Umberto Basso has used a postcard with several selfportriat of him and collaged a image of Andreas Hofer to it. Thank you very much.
see his page:

Sonntag, 13. Januar 2008

Samstag, 12. Januar 2008

No. 110 - arriving mail art "Andreas Hofer wearing cheesy smelly socks" from Thomas & Lothar (Germany)

No. 110 - arriving mail art "Andreas Hofer wearing cheesy smelly socks" from Thomas & Lothar (Germany) - a real cheese package with original cheese inside, collaged with different modifications and the Andreas Hofer jacket. The cheese turned into a "ODOR Emmentaler - Fun macht Kinder froh in Scheiben" Backsides with an instruction how to use it: "Open red flap to inhale original alpenland aroma"! Keep at warm place to enable aroma to develop! do not feed to old people!" Thank you very much.

Freitag, 11. Januar 2008

No. 109 - arriving mail art "good work - Fluxus Andreas Hofer" from Ben Vautier (France)

No. 109 - arriving mail art "good work - Fluxus Andreas Hofer" from Ben Vautier (France) - what a surprise arrived me from the well known fluxus artist Ben Vautier. He send me a typical work. the black one is a big sized poster. The postage stamps were as well designed by him. Thank you very much
see his fluxus page:

Mittwoch, 9. Januar 2008

No. 108 - arriving mail art (red cow Hofer) from E (France)

No. 108 - arriving mail art (red cow Hofer) from E (France) - E has used the illustration Litsa Spathi did for my call and modified it with collages and paintings - Andreas Hofer is now turning into a red cow. Thank you very much.

Dienstag, 8. Januar 2008

No. 107 - arriving mail art "Andre Hofer" from Ruud Janssen (Netherlands)

No. 107 - arriving mail art "Andre Hofer" from Ruud Janssen (Netherlands) - Ruud has sent once again an illustration with the old postage stamp of Andreas Hofer - Main Post Logistik (a local postoffice her) did as well some collages to it - f.e. the postage stamp from Holland disappeared. Thank you very much.

Freitag, 4. Januar 2008

No. 106 - arriving mail art "hofer" from Bruno Chiarlone & Umberto Basso (Italy)

No. 106 - arriving mail art "hofer" from Bruno Chiarlone & Umberto Basso (Italy) - Bruno has used a commercial postcard with an art object worked out by Umberto Basso (book object "read and think differently"). Bruno collaged a Hofer portrait to it. Thank you for the coproduction.

Donnerstag, 3. Januar 2008

No. 105 - arriving mail art "Hofer Hero of Tyrol" from Keith A. Buchholz (USA)

No. 105 - arriving mail art "Hofer Hero of Tyrol" from Keith A. Buchholz (USA) - mixed media postcard with collages, artistamps and painting. Thank you very much.

Mittwoch, 2. Januar 2008

No. 104 - arriving mail art "Foglio personaggi famosi" from Bruno Cassaglia (Italy)

No. 104 - arriving mail art "Foglio personaggi famosi" from Bruno Cassaglia (Italy) - Bruno modified a sheet of paper Bruno Chiarlone sent to him - the stamps are from Bruno Chiarlone the little drawings are from Bruno Cassaglia. Thank you very much for this coproduction.