Montag, 31. März 2008

No. 212 - arriving mail art "Wo ist er ? - Verstecken mit Hofer Vol. 1" from Heike Sackmann (Germany)

No. 212 - arriving mail art "Wo ist er ? - Verstecken mit Hofer Vol. 1" from Heike Sackmann (Germany) . A funny collage from Heike arrived today, which refers to mail art she has been sending me already. Thank you very much.
see her page:
and her mail art blog:

No. 211 - arriving mail art "Andy" from Angela Behrendt (Germany)

No. 211 - arriving mail art "Andy" from Angela Behrendt (Germany) - a nice stitched portrait of Andreas Hofer on black textile arrived today. Thank you very much.

No. 210 - arriving mail art "ich kunst, du kunst, wir kunst" from Wolfgang Skodd (Germany)

No. 210 - arriving mail art "ich kunst, du kunst, wir kunst" from Wolfgang Skodd (Germany) - it is the add&pass sheet I sent to him some days ago and which I got from Bruno Chiarlone. I collaged one of the Fluxus Hofer by Litsa Spathi to it, as well a face on Bruno Chiarlones fluxus in blue, now Wolfgang did as well his modification to it and made a photo of it. Andreas Hofer is part of the mail art so I post it here. Thank you very much.

Donnerstag, 27. März 2008

No. 209 - arriving mail art "Andreas Hofer artistsheet" from Servanne Morel (Belgium)

No. 209 - arriving mail art "Andreas Hofer artistsheet" from Servanne Morel (Belgium) - the wonderful artistsheet is coming back now, which I have sent her several months ago for a modification; gorgeous illustration to the four keywords I have printed on the sheet - fluxus - mail art - socks - Andreas Hofer. It seems Servane did a whole hommage to Andreas Hofer, that's why I have to post it here as well. I like it very much. This is the fifth sheet out of 10 which I got back now; after all have arrived I will make a handbound artistbook and will send out to all participants. Hope the others will arrive soon. Inside there was even another nice portrait of Andreas Hofer.
Thank you so much.
Servanne has a mail art call about Charlie Chaplin.
see her blog:

Mittwoch, 26. März 2008

No. 208 - arriving mail art "2 binische Legenden" from Markus Steffen (Switzerland)

No. 208 - arriving mail art "2 binische Legenden" from Markus Steffen (Switzerland) - a collaged and laminated board with several images, front side "Hofer A. for a free Tyrol" and "A. Hofer tears for Tyrol". Thank you very much.
Steffen has a mail art call about dreamwood.

Dienstag, 25. März 2008

No. 207 - arriving mail art "ne pas plier" from Réjean F. Coté (Canada)

No. 207 - arriving mail art "ne pas plier" from Réjean F. Coté (Canada) - collaged postcard with different images of Andreas Hofer, it looks like a playing card. Thank you very much.
Réjean has a mail art project called "circulaire 132" a mail art zine.

No. 206 - arriving mail art "The original Cowboy" from Don Boyd (USA)

No. 206 - arriving mail art "The original Cowboy" from Don Boyd (USA) - Don has sent me one of his tyical drawings about cowboys, I think it fit well to my mail art project so I posted it here once more. Inside the envelope there are some of his portraits which you can see on my other blog. Thank you very much.

Samstag, 22. März 2008

No. 205 - arriving mail art "good work fluxus Andreas Hofer" from Rossana Cagnolati (Italy)

No. 205 - arriving mail art "good work fluxus Andreas Hofer" from Rossana Cagnolati (Italy) - Rossana modified a postcard with the shooting down of Andreas Hofer. Thank you very much.

No. 204 - arriving mail art "How are you Flux(y)us?" from Bruno Chiarlone (Italy)

No. 204 - arriving mail art "How are you Flux(y)us?" from Bruno Chiarlone (Italy) - Bruno has used a commercial postcard done by Marc Coene (Belgium) an collaged it with some stickers. Thank you very much.

Donnerstag, 20. März 2008

No. 203 - arriving mail art "hofer - cavellini" from Bruno Chiarlone (Italy)

No. 203 - arriving mail art "hofer - cavellini" from Bruno Chiarlone (Italy) - the sheet is a coproduction between "E" (France) and Bruno. Bruno got this sheet for a modification from "E" to send it afterwards to me for my call. And "E" himself used the illustration from Litsa Spathi (Netherlands) - the Fluxus Andreas Hofer. Thank you all.

Mittwoch, 19. März 2008

No. 201 & No. 202 - arriving mail art"Famille Hofer" from "E" (France)

No. 201 & No. 202 - arriving mail art"Famille Hofer" from "E" (France) - the first envelope is decorated with the familiy of Andreas Hofer, all are wearing the same Jackets, backsides with a Jacket collage, inside a pop-up - ghost Napoléon on horse. The other one is another Andreas Hofer Jacket variation - Andreas Hofer is sitting next to a girl. Thank you very much.
see his blogs:

Dienstag, 18. März 2008

No. 200 - arriving mail art "Andreas Hofer - Livre d'artiste" from "E" (France)

Thank you very much.
see his blogs:

Montag, 17. März 2008

No. 199 - arriving mail art (Hofer Jacket Collage) from "E" (France)

No. 199 - arriving mail art (Hofer Jacket Collage) from "E" (France) - an over and over with Andreas Hofer Jackets collaged envelope. The painted sheet inside seems to be the ghost of Andreas Hofer, done on a info paper with the spared notice about the sensational discovery 1991 of the iceman - called "Ötzi" - from the Similaun Glacier in the alpine region (South Tyrol). Thank you very much.
see his blogs:

Freitag, 14. März 2008

No. 198 - arriving mail art "Hofer - Cavellini" from "E" (France)

No. 198 - arriving mail art "Hofer - Cavellini" from "E" (France) - an over and over decorated envelope for two mail art calls together, one about Andreas Hofer the other about Cavellini (GAC) from Bruno Chiarlone. The sheet inside is for a modification and to sent out for Bruno.

No. 197 - arriving mail art from Markus Steffen (Switzerland)

No. 197 - arriving mail art from Markus Steffen (Switzerland) - Markus said he did not know Andreas Hofer by sending me three xerox and a picture he took out of a magazine. Thank you very much. Markus has a mail art call about dreamwoods.

Donnerstag, 13. März 2008

No. 196 - arriving mail art "requiem for AH" from Bérengère Delli (France)

No. 196 - arriving mail art "requiem for AH" from Bérengère Delli (France) - collage on a commercial postcards with colouring, a portrait of Andreas Hofer. Thank you very much.

Dienstag, 11. März 2008

No. 195 - arriving mail art "Hofer Heracles" from Vladimir Gritsay (Russia)

No. 195 - arriving mail art "Hofer Heracles" from Vladimir Gritsay (Russia) - Vladimir has a mail art call about Heracles, that's why he choose this kind of combination of these two persons. The postcard is a computer generated image. The text on the card says: "Hofer will become Heracles when he kills the severe lion living in Kiferon forest and takes its skin on his shoulders". Thank you very much.

Samstag, 8. März 2008

No. 193 & No 194 - arriving mail art "Andreas not dead" and the birth of "AH" from "E" (France)

No. 193 & No. 194 - arriving mail art "Andreas not dead" and the birth of "AH" from "E" (France) - four more wonderful illustrations for my call, the first envelope illustrates a kind of a chariot with creatures wearing Andreas Hofer Jackets - inside there was another illustration with a Andreas Hofer Punk with the title "No future -Anarchy in Tyrol". The other envelope shows the birth of Andreas Hofer, inside one more bloody Andreas. Thank you very much.
see his blogs:

arriving mail art "Andreas Hofer Clown" from Corentine (France)

No. 192 - arriving mail art "Andreas Hofer Clown" from Corentine (France) - Corentine has used the jacket of Andreas Hofer and painted a clown inside of a flower. Thank you very much.
Corentine has a mail art call about Clowns and Snails.
see her blog:

Donnerstag, 6. März 2008

No. 191 - arriving mail art "von Berg zu Wasser" and "Arme(r) für Andreas - Ersatzarme" from Heike E. Sackmann (Germany) - Heike has sent three different cards with collages, which refers to an earlier card done by her, which was missing an arm of Andreas Hofer during the sending, thats why she sends now surrogate arms. In this earlier piece Andreas Hofer was near drowning, so she made these two other cards with a life buoy. Thank you very much for this trilogy.

No. 190 - arriving mail art "where is Andreas? ... he's here !" from "E" (France)

No. 190 - arriving mail art "where is Andreas? ... he's here !" from "E" (France) - a modified postcard made out of two, cut-outs from one card with the illustration by Litsa Spathi and fixed to the on the other by Ben Vautier. Thank you very much.
see his blogs:

Dienstag, 4. März 2008

No. 189 - arriving mail art "Des Hofers neue Kleider" from Siegfried Steinlechner (Austria)

No. 189 - arriving mail art "Des Hofers neue Kleider" from Siegfried Steinlechner (Austria) - a book about the mythos Andreas Hofer. Thank you very much

Lit.: Steinlechner, Siegfried: Des Hofers neue Kleider. Über die staatstragende Funktion von Mythen. Studienverlag Innsbruck / Wien / München 2000. ISBN 3-7065-1397-8.

Montag, 3. März 2008

No. 188 - arriving mail art "Morphing mail art" from Laurence Bucourt (France)

No. 188 - arriving mail art "Morphing mail art" from Laurence Bucourt (France) - Laurence has made a wonderful metamorphosis from Andreas Hofer to Napoléon. Thank you very much.