Donnerstag, 31. Juli 2008

Andreas Hofer - ein Tourismusheld ? - Un eroe del Turismo ?

an international conference about Andreas Hofer will take place on 5th / 6th September 2008 at Touriseum, Museum for Tourism in Merano (Italy), one lecture there will be about this mail art collection. the english version can be found here:
more to find out at:
design of the flyer by Marco Ambrosi: see

Dienstag, 29. Juli 2008

No. 365 - arriving mail art from Servane Morel (Belgium)

No. 365 - arriving mail art from Servane Morel (Belgium) - a colourful and well designed portrait of Andreas Hofer on a horse, which looks great, could even be a poster. Thank you very much.

No. 364 - arriving mail art "Andreas Hofer Hero? Warrior ? ..." from Angela Behrendt (Germany)

No. 364 - arriving mail art "Andreas Hofer Hero? Warrior ? ..." from Angela Behrendt (Germany) - another nice submision from Angela arrived today, a complete artistamp sheet with stitched characterisations about Andreas Hofer. Thank you very much.

No. 363 - arriving mail art "vive l'Anarchie" from Ka van Haasteren (Netherlands)

No. 363 - arriving mail art "vive l'Anarchie" from Ka van Haasteren (Netherlands) - a wonderful arranged postcard from Ka arrived today with several fake postage stamps with Andreas Hofer portraits. Thank you very much.

No. 362 - arriving mail art "no al terrorismo" from Bruno Chiarlone (Italy)

No. 362 - arriving mail art "no al terrorismo" from Bruno Chiarlone (Italy) - another collage on a commercial postcard an Andreas Hofer portrait inside. Thank you very much.

Freitag, 25. Juli 2008

No. 361 arriving mail art "Not Hofer" from Peter Dowker (Canada)

No. 361 arriving mail art "Not Hofer" from Peter Dowker (Canada) - a collaged and painted little doll which looks like a Andreas Hoferm even if Peter said it is "not Hofer". Thank you very much.

No. 360 - arriving mail art coproduction from Bruno Chiarlone (Italy) & Alexander Charistos (Austria)

No. 360 - arriving mail art coproduction from Bruno Chiarlone (Italy) & Alexander Charistos (Austria) - another collage from Bruno with Andreas Hofer portrait on it. Obviously a recycled painted postcard, which he got from Alexander Charistos from Austria. Thank you very much.

Mittwoch, 23. Juli 2008

No. 359 - arriving mail art "Hello" from Carlos Botana (Spain)

No. 359 - arriving mail art "Hello" from Carlos Botana (Spain) - probably from his holiday, drawing a littel Andreas Hofer portrait on the cards which says Hello. Thank you.

Dienstag, 22. Juli 2008

No. 358 - arriving mail art "Dear Andreas Hofer..." from Ron Crowcroft (USA)

No. 358 - arriving mail art "Dear Andreas Hofer..." from Ron Crowcroft (USA) - a funny postcard came along with this text dedicated to Andreas Hofer. Thank you very much.

No. 357 - arriving mail art from Bruno Chiarlone (Italy)

No. 357 - arriving mail art from Bruno Chiarlone (Italy) - another collage with his fluxus-factor-Y sticker with an Andreas Hofer Portrait inside. Thank you very much.

Samstag, 19. Juli 2008

No. 356 - arriving mail art from Bruno Chiarlone (Italy)

No. 356 - arriving mail art from Bruno Chiarlone (Italy) - a collage with his fluxus-factor-Y sticker with an Andreas Hofer Portrait inside. Thank you very much.

Donnerstag, 17. Juli 2008

No. 355 - arriving mail art "ahdm ist alt..." from Achim Heidemann (Germany)

No. 355 - arriving mail art "ahdm ist alt. Er lernte noch Carl kennen aber nicht mehr Andreas Hofer 13.7.2008" from Achim Heidemann (Germany) - the first word is not quiet clear - maybe he means Achim? - a statement from Achim in old written characters (Süterlin). Thank you very much.

Mittwoch, 16. Juli 2008

No. 354 - arriving mail art "Saufen kann tödlich sein" from Anonymous (Germany)

No. 354 - arriving mail art "Saufen kann tödlich sein" from Anonymous (Germany) - I suppose this card is from Heinz W. Lotz, but there is no senders notice. Thank you very much.

Montag, 14. Juli 2008

No. 353 - arriving mail art "A H" from Hélène Lagache (France)

No. 353 - arriving mail art "A H" from Hélène Lagache (France) - a collaged postcard with the intitials of Andreas Hofer. Thank you very much. If you have a mail art call or a blog please let me know.

No. 352 - arriving mail art "Andreas Hofer Twenty First Century" from Nancy Scali (USA)

No. 352 - arriving mail art "Andreas Hofer Twenty First Century" from Nancy Scali (USA) - one more of Nancy's work, two portraits of Andreas Hofer inside of a sunglass. Thank you very much

No. 351 - arriving mail art "make your own glass for drink a toast to freedom" from A. Mariela Kavaliunas (Argentina)

No. 351 - arriving mail art "make your own glass for drink a toast to freedom" from A. Mariela Kavaliunas (Argentina) - Mariela has sent a citation of Emile Durkhein together with a flat plastic bottle and a hand worked out kit to create a 3-dimensional glass of bear. Thank you very much.

Samstag, 12. Juli 2008

No. 349 & No. 350 - arriving mail art "Andreas Hofer brave Heart" and "once upon a time" from Nancy Scali (USA)

No. 349 & No. 350 - arriving mail art "Andreas Hofer brave Heart" and "once upon a time" from Nancy Scali (USA) - two mail art arrived today from Nancy, wonderfull collages and paintings, the first "Andreas Hofer Brave Heart Freedom Fighter" even with a little window where you can see a little metal heart inside; the other one shows the the scenery of the killing of Andreas Hofer with lots of glitter around. Thank you very much and let me know your mail art interest or your blog probably and I will sent you as well something.

No. 348 - arriving mail art "No Andreas Hofer Post" from Angela Behrendt (Germany)

No. 348 - arriving mail art "No Andreas Hofer Post" from Angela Behrendt (Germany) - as far as she has stitched this little nice stamp it turns out to a real Andreas Hofer Post; inside several more stitched little things as for example "add and hass" stamps; even one after my elephant rubberstamp. Thank you very much.

No. 347 - arriving mail art "calze a rete" from Bruno Chiarlone (Italy)

No. 347 - arriving mail art "calze a rete" from Bruno Chiarlone (Italy) - a late participation to my former mail art call about socks & stockings with a Andreas Hofer portrait on it, thats why I post it on both blogs. Thank you very much. Sorry I do not participate to add&return&pass any more.

No. 346 - arriving mail art "Andreas Hofer" from Nico Van Hoorn (Netherlands)

No. 346 - arriving mail art "Andreas Hofer" from Nico Van Hoorn (Netherlands) - a digital variation of a Andreas Hofer Portrait, for the back he used my painted artistamp sheet which I have sent to him. Thank you very much.
see his page:

Donnerstag, 10. Juli 2008

No. 342 - No. 345 - arriving mail art from Servanne Morel (Belgium)

No. 342 - No. 345 - arriving mail art from Servanne Morel (Belgium) - a decorated envelope with lots of little Andreas Hofer images from different mail art I got from different artists, together with three more of her wonderful painted Andreas Hofer Portraits on card boards. Thank you very much.
Servanne has a mail art call about Jules Verne:

No. 340 & No. 341 - arriving mail art from Bruno Chiarlone (Italy)

No. 340 & No. 341 - arriving mail art from Bruno Chiarlone (Italy) - two mail art on the same day arrived, the No. 340 is a commercial postcards with a photo of an artwork by Joseph Beuys, Bruno collaged an Andreas Hofer portrait on it; the other one is an envelope with two add&pass sheets inside. Well Bruno if you read these lines, please no more add&pass please, it is really not my stuff. Thank you very much.