Dienstag, 30. September 2008

No. 426 - arriving mail art from Domenico Severino (Italy)

No. 426 - arriving mail art from Domenico Severino (Italy) - a big sized envelope filled with several images Domenico has done about Andreas Hofer, one with collages, the others are printout on fine paper DIN A 4 size. Inside he has put as well several postcards with his works and two identical booklets about his paintings. One I will gave to someone else. Thank you very much.

No. 424 & No. 425 - arriving mail art "Kopie" and "Gefühle annehmen" from Heinz W. Lotz (Germany)

No. 424 & No. 425 - arriving mail art "Kopie" and "Gefühle annehmen" from Heinz W. Lotz (Germany) - two more collaged postcards from Heinz, the first is a modification of Roberto Formigoni's envelope, covered with lits of already canceled postage stamps; the other one is a postcard I have sent to him. Thank you very much.

No. 423 - arriving mail art "Andreas Hofer ... martyr or pawn" from Nancy Scali (USA)

No. 423 - arriving mail art "Andreas Hofer ... martyr or pawn" from Nancy Scali (USA) - another collage even with a real wooden chess piece on it. Thank you very much.

No. 422 - arriving mail art "Stift Millstatt" from Nico van Hoorn (Netherlands)

No. 422 - arriving mail art "Stift Millstatt" from Nico van Hoorn (Netherlands) - a digital modification of a historical postcard, here once more with a portrait of Andreas Hofer, drinking his beer. Thank you very much.

Montag, 29. September 2008

No. 420 & No. 421 - arriving mail art "Andreas Hofer Gulden" and "Kornblums Unterwasserwelt" from Heinz W. Lotz (Germany)

No. 420 & No. 421 - arriving mail art "Andreas Hofer Gulden" and "Kornblums Unterwasserwelt" from Heinz W. Lotz (Germany) - two more submissions from Heinz, the envelope was collaged with an advertising of a chocolate label, inside he has put some prints from Nico van Hoorns blog, the other one got an Andreas Hofer Portrait inside a fish tank, interesting that this postcard came without any postage stamp on it. Thank you very much.

Donnerstag, 25. September 2008

No. 419 - arriving mail art "fluxus factor y" from Bruno Chiarlone (Italy)

No. 419 - arriving mail art "fluxus factor Y" from Bruno Chiarlone (Italy) - it is a photo of one of his works with some little extra images as collages, as well one with a Andreas Hofer portrait, thats why I post it here. Thank you very much.

No. 417 & No. 418 - arriving mail art "anmut und Schönheit" from Heinz W. Lotz (Germany)

No. 417 & No. 418 - arriving mail art "Anmut und Schönheit" from Heinz W. Lotz (Germany) - two anonymous postcards, but I know already the works and handwriting from Heinz, that I'm sure he has sent these both cards. The one is a fake from her princess Maria Gloria von Thurn und Taxis, on the fromt side a pietá with the face of Andreas Hofer, the other one is a commercial postcards with a Andreas Hofer image on the backside. Thank you very much.

Mittwoch, 24. September 2008

No. 416 - arriving mail art "Die Leiden des Andreas Hofer" from Angela Behrendt (Germany)

No. 416 - arriving mail art "Die Leiden des Andreas Hofer" from Angela Behrendt (Germany) - a found object that was tranformed into a nice mail art submission, Andreas Hofer looks peeked out of the beach seeing feet around him. Thank you very much.

No. 415 - arriving mail art from Tiziana Baracchi (Italy)

No. 415 - arriving mail art from Tiziana Baracchi (Italy) - collaged postcards with an Andreas Hofer portrait and golden tape and some apples around, it seems to be the apple Andreas Hofer. Thank you very much. Tiziana has a mail art call about "The Beatles".

Sonntag, 21. September 2008

unfortunately a lost mail art about Andreas Hofer from Natalie (Australia)

unfortunately a lost mail art from Natalie from which I only got the address sticker, which you can see here
Thank you

Donnerstag, 18. September 2008

No. 414 - arriving mail art "Кой е Андреас Хофер?" from Ka. from Varna (Bulgaria)

No. 414 - arriving mail art "Кой е Андреас Хофер?" from Ka. from Varna (Bulgaria) - K. asking the question who is Andreas Hofer. Thank you very much.

No. 413 - arriving mail art from Samuel Montalvetti (Argentina)

No. 413 - arriving mail art from Samuel Montalvetti (Argentina) - a decorated envelope with an Andreas Hofer collage inside. Thank you very much.

Mittwoch, 17. September 2008

No. 412 - arriving mail art "Ansbacher Bierhalle" from Nico van Hoorn (Netherlands)

No. 412 - arriving mail art "Ansbacher Bierhalle" from Nico van Hoorn (Netherlands) - a digital modification of a historical postcard, here once more with a portrait of Andreas Hofer, drinking his beer. Thank you very much.
see his page:

Montag, 15. September 2008

No. 411 - arriving mail art "Hofer Heracles" from Vladimir Gritsay (Russia)

No. 411 - arriving mail art "Hofer Heracles" from Vladimir Gritsay (Russia) - Vladimir has a mail art call on Heracles, that's why he choose this kind of combination of these two persons. The postcard is a computer generated image with an extra sticker of a heracles portrait. Thank you very much.

No. 410 - arriving mail art "andreas hofer" from Anne Louise Braunschweig (USA)

No. 410 - arriving mail art "andreas hofer" from Anne Louise Braunschweig (USA) - Anne has sent an image of Andreas Hofer's execution. Thank you.

Samstag, 13. September 2008

No. 409 - arriving mail art "Andreas Andreas Hofer" from Servane Morel (Belgium)

No. 409 - arriving mail art "Andreas Andreas Hofer" from Servane Morel (Belgium) - a painted graffiti with Andreas Hofer caricature - Servane said that this could be happened to my wall once. Funny. Servane has a mailart call about Corto Maltese.
(Notice for Angela: hey, isn't that something for your stitchings? - sure Servane would love to see it in a stitched version, lol)

No. 408 - arriving mail art "Da ist er ! Verstecken mit Hofer Vol. 2" from Heike Sackmann (Germany)

No. 408 - arriving mail art "Da ist er ! Verstecken mit Hofer Vol. 2" from Heike Sackmann (Germany) - a nice collage from Heike arrived today, little images in a kind of passepartout. (I hope she is getting better now)
Thank you very much.
see her page:
and her mail art blog:

No. 407 - arriving mail art "Das letzte Postcuriosum in diesem Jahrhundert" from Nico van Hoorn (Netherlands)

No. 407 - arriving mail art "Das letzte Postcuriosum in diesem Jahrhundert" from Nico van Hoorn (Netherlands) - a digital modification of a historical postcards, here with Andreas Hofer portrait sitting in front of the postoffice of Hamburg. Thank you very much. Unfortunately the card has been damaged by the post.

No. 406 - arriving mail art from Pablo Mezzadra (Argentina)

No. 406 - arriving mail art from Pablo Mezzadra (Argentina) - Pablo has sent a digitial variation of several Andreas Hofer images. Thank you very much.

Freitag, 12. September 2008

No. 405 - arriving mail art "Wer ist A. H.?" from Achim Heidemann (Germany)

No. 405 - arriving mail art "Wer ist A. H.?" from Achim Heidemann (Germany) - how fast Achim react, the sheet which I have sent him just few days ago ( came back in a modified way, thank you very much. I had already an idea for the answer.

No. 404 - arriving mail art from Heinz W. Lotz (Germany)

No. 404 - arriving mail art from Heinz W. Lotz (Germany) - a little square arrived today, with extra due to pay to the postoffice because it is too small. Nevertheless thanks for it.