Mittwoch, 26. November 2008

No. 476 - arriving mail art "Andreas Hofer dances" from Nancy Scali (USA)

No. 476 - arriving mail art "Andreas Hofer dances" from Nancy Scali (USA) - After her singing Andreas Hofer, now the dancing Andreas came into my mail box, with a first show at the german custom before it arrived to me. The german custom opened the envelope. Inside the envelope a decorated postcard with the same face as in the flipbooklet, and a wonderful little theater, Adreas Hofer with stockings as a finger puppet, with two fingers inside you can make a hero dance.
Thank you very much.

Dienstag, 25. November 2008

No. 475 - arriving mail art "Tatort" from Nico van Hoorn (Netherlands)

No. 475 - arriving mail art "Tatort" from Nico van Hoorn (Netherlands) - a digital modification of the logo of a german tv movie called "Tatort", with a portrait of Andreas Hofer as a target. Thank you very much.

Samstag, 22. November 2008

No. 474 - arriving mail art "dream of a hero" from Katerina Nikoltsov (Greece)

No. 474 - arriving mail art "dream of a hero" from Katerina Nikoltsov (Greece) - a modified postcard with the execution of Andreas Hofer inside of a decorated envelope. Thank you very much.

No. 473 - arriving mail art "Wir Tiroler Schützen ..." from Angela Behrendt (Germany)

No. 473 - arriving mail art "Wir Tiroler Schützen und Andreas Hofer gegen Nazis - gegen Revanchismus. Für Tirol" from Angela Behrendt (Germany) - a sligthly modified image which Angela has found in the newspaper. Thank you very much.

No. 472 - arriving mail art from Heinz W. Lotz (Germany)

No. 472 - arriving mail art from Heinz W. Lotz (Germany) - a decorated envelope with a Andreas Hofer monster on it. Inside some photos and a free postcard to pass on. Thank you very much.

Donnerstag, 20. November 2008

No. 471 - arriving mail art "Vielleicht mochte A. Hofer auch Physalis" from Rena Büscher (Germany)

No. 471 - arriving mail art "Vielleicht mochte A. Hofer auch Physalis" from Rena Büscher (Germany) - computer modified portrait of Andreas Hofer with a real collaged Physalis on the backside. Thank you very much.

Mittwoch, 19. November 2008

No. 470 - arriving mail art from Vladimir Gritsay (Russia)

No. 470 - arriving mail art from Vladimir Gritsay (Russia) - it is a mail art coproduction. Heinz W. Lotz has sent this postcard to Vladimir for a modification. Thanks to both.

Dienstag, 18. November 2008

No. 466 - No. 469 - four arriving mail art from Heinz W. Lotz (Germany)

No. 466 - No. 469 - four arriving mail art from Heinz W. Lotz (Germany) - today four single mail art arrived to me, one envelope and three postcards. Different collages, for ex. "I'm a good girl". Thank you very much.

Dienstag, 11. November 2008

No. 465 - arriving mail art "Andreas sings" from Nancy Scali (USA)

No. 465 - arriving mail art "Andreas sings" from Nancy Scali (USA) - Nancy has sent a nice double portrait of the singing Andreas. When you flip the first page up and down he will move his lips and eyes. Thank you very much.

No. 464 - arriving mail art (The Cavellini Andreas Hofer) from Heinz W. Lotz (Germany)

No. 464 - arriving mail art (The Cavellini Andreas Hofer) from Heinz W. Lotz (Germany) - Heinz used the images from Guglielmo Achille Cavellini and collaged it with parts of Andreas Hofer. Thank you very much.

Montag, 10. November 2008

No. 463 - arriving mail art "War or Peace" from Torma Cauli (Hungary)

No. 463 - arriving mail art "War or Peace" from Torma Cauli (Hungary) - a digital worked out picture of a city with Andreas Hofer sitting on a table and drinking his bear, while cannons are bombing little collaged burned matches on him. Thank you very much.

Samstag, 8. November 2008

No. 462 - arriving mail art "Andreas Hofer hinter Gittern" from Angela Behrendt (Germany)

No. 462 - arriving mail art "Andreas Hofer hinter Gittern" (Andreas Hofer behind bars) from Angela Behrendt (Germany) - an image of Andreas Hofer's capture, stitched with silver thread across, so you got the idea of a jail. Angela told me that the title can also be "Andreas Hofer nach seinem Ausbruchversuch" (A. H. after his jailbreak) if some of the threads very ruined during the sending. Funny idea. Thank you very much.

Donnerstag, 6. November 2008

No. 461 - arriving mail art "Kontrolle versagt völlig" from Heinz W. Lotz & Angela Behrendt (Germany)

No. 461 - arriving mail art "Kontrolle versagt völlig" from Heinz W. Lotz & Angela Behrendt (Germany) - a collaged coproduction of these two persons. Thanks to both.

Mittwoch, 5. November 2008

No. 460 - arriving mail art "Reminder..." from Angela Behrendt (Germany)

No. 460 - arriving mail art "Reminder..." from Angela Behrendt (Germany) - a totally stitched postcard as a reminder that my call will end with the end of the year. Thanks

Dienstag, 4. November 2008

No. 459 - arriving mail art "Gestalte dir deinen eigenen Andreas Hofer" from Heinz W. Lotz (Germany)

No. 459 - arriving mail art "Gestalte dir deinen eigenen Andreas Hofer" from Heinz W. Lotz (Germany) - Heinz used the image from Angela Behrendt and collaged his Andreas Hofer to it. Thanks.

Montag, 3. November 2008

No. 458 - arriving mail art from Heinz W. Lotz (Germany)

No. 458 - arriving mail art from Heinz W. Lotz (Germany) - a collaged postcard with Andreas Hofer Knödel. Thanks.