Freitag, 29. Mai 2009

No. 564 - arriving mail art "Achtung Orginal Hofer..." from Heinz W. Lotz (Germany)

No. 564 - arriving mail art "Achtung Orginal Hofer..." from Heinz W. Lotz (Germany) - collaged paper items with Andreas Hofer - for the envelope he used the recycled one I have sent to him. Thank you very much.

Montag, 25. Mai 2009

No. 563 - arriving mail art from Erich Sündermann (Austria)

No. 563 - arriving mail art from Erich Sündermann (Austria) - Erich has drawn a big size portrait of Andreas Hofer with a revolver in his hand. Thank you very much.

No. 562 - arriving mail art "Haben Sie Fragen, Anregungen, Gesprächsbedarf? from Heinz W. Lotz (Germany)

No. 562 - arriving mail art "Haben Sie Fragen, Anregungen, Gesprächsbedarf? from Heinz W. Lotz (Germany) - a collage about the shooting down of Andreas Hofer. Thank you very much.

Freitag, 22. Mai 2009

No. 560 & No. 561 - arriving mail art from Heinz W. Lotz (Germany)

... ich jedenfalls nicht, ich mag keine Klebstreifen

No. 560 & No. 561 - arriving mail art from Heinz W. Lotz (Germany) - and once more two of his funny collages, in which he integrated Andreas Hofer images. Thank you very much.

Dienstag, 19. Mai 2009

No. 558 & No. 559 - arriving mail art from Heinz W. Lotz (Germany)

No. 558 & No. 559 - arriving mail art from Heinz W. Lotz (Germany) - two more of his humoristic collages. One of them is an already sent postcard from Spain, which he has modified. Thank you very much.

Samstag, 16. Mai 2009

No. 557 - arriving mail art "Zu Mantua in Banden ... wir sie fanden..." from Heinz W. Lotz (Germany)

No. 557 - arriving mail art "Zu Mantua in Banden ... wir sie fanden, des Hofers letzte Schuhe" from Heinz W. Lotz (Germany) - a really funny, partly 3-dimensional collage with little wooden shoes on it. First the postal system obviously did not accept the cut-out postage stamp on it, but then it seems there was no problem any more and I got it without paying taxes. Heinz used the backside of the envelope I have sent to him some times ago. Thank you very much.

Dienstag, 12. Mai 2009

No. 556 - arriving mail art "Sehr geehrter Hofer..." from Heinz W. Lotz (Germany)

No. 556 - arriving mail art "Sehr geehrter Hofer..." from Heinz W. Lotz (Germany) - a funny collaged postcard with the shooting down of Andreas Hofer. Thank you very much.

Samstag, 2. Mai 2009

No. 555 - arriving mail art "Wo ist Gott?" from Heinz W. Lotz (Germany)

No. 555 - arriving mail art "Wo ist Gott?" from Heinz W. Lotz (Germany) - a decorated envelope with Andreas Hofer asking the question "where is God?" Inside a collaged letter. Thank you very much.

No. 554 - arriving mail art "Achtung" from Angela Behrendt (Germany)

No. 554 - arriving mail art "Achtung" from Angela Behrendt (Germany) - it is a modified postcard she got several months ago from Heinz W. Lotz. He used an image of an elder mail art of her an modified it as well. Thank you very much to both of them.